Our Program 2019-05-15T12:15:31+00:00

Living Paycheck to PurposeSM Financial Empowerment Program

We want your employees to think big about their financial life goals and to see their paycheck as the fuel for financial success.

How Our Program Works

The Living Paycheck to Purpose℠ program consist of four live, 1-hour workshops facilitated by one of our trained Workplace Money Coaches.

Participants receive a workbook, access to an online email course & email support throughout the duration of the program.

What the Program Covers

Our workshops cover creating your life vision, goal setting, creating a plan to build a strong financial foundation, budgeting, saving, debt-management and building wealth.

Financial Coaching

Put the “personal” back into personal finance. To optimize your employees’ success, you have the option to add one-on-one coaching for program participants to help overcome issues unique to them.

Personal Approach. Flexible Scheduling. Low Cost.

This makes our program an easy addition to your workplace benefits and employee wellbeing offerings.

Continue Your Mission to Create a Thriving Workplace Culture

Help your employees build a strong Financial Foundation so they can live their best lives in and out of the office.

Contact Workplace Money Coach For Pricing Today!