Problems We Solve 2019-05-15T14:47:56+00:00

Problems We Solve

Companies call on Workplace Money Coach to help them solve these challenges and problems

We have high employee turn-over in key areas of our workforce

Chronic job-hopping is often the result of poor money management skills on the part of the employee. Too often you will invest in training an employee only to find them jump ship for a position that pays just $1 more per hour. When employees learn to budget their money, they will stretch their paychecks further lessening their perceived need to make more money.

We are struggling to develop a Culture of Caring within our organization

There is a very good chance that your employees are stressed out and struggling with their personal financial situation. You can show that you genuinely care about their health and wellbeing by providing a resource to assist with money management on a personal level.

Our employees are asking for paycheck advances at an increasing rate

Employees that ask for paycheck advances are often dealing with a financial situation that they were unprepared for. One of the key building blocks of a solid financial foundation is to build up emergency savings in preparation for the inevitable car repair or your best friend’s decision to get married in Hawaii. We can help employees with savings strategies to get them through the tough times.

Our employees are using 401K loans to manage financial emergencies

401Ks (and 403Bs) are the new “go-to” emergency funds for dealing with the unexpected financial situations that arise and this is very discouraging. Americans are considerably underfunded for retirement and together we can get to the root of this issue by better equipping your workforce with money management skills that will mitigate this practice.

Employee morale is low due to stagnant wages

The cost of living in this country is rising at a disproportionate rate to wages and that is putting a strain on our wallets. The Workplace Money Coach Living Paycheck to Purpose financial empowerment program can help employers teach their workforce how to cut out wasteful spending and reallocate a portion of their paychecks toward personal financial goals. Employees will see their hard work as the means to living out the life of their dreams.